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5 Things to think about when spending money on digital marketing

The amount of things you can do in digital is vast.

From stock standard Facebook page and email newsletters to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and TikTok, the list is ever-growing and it's hard to know where to start. While this is nowhere near a complete strategy, here are 5 top things to think about when you're planning your marketing.

1. Which digital channels are my customers using? Where are your customers hanging out? Are they using Facebook or LinkedIn? are they TikTok users or blog readers? Often we assume we know, or listen to a digital marketing company that tells us to buy all of the things from them. Never assume. New platforms are being developed all the time and you might be surprised which ones your customers are using. The best channels are the ones which people are actively engaged in reading or consuming the content rather than just flicking through. If in doubt, ask.

Which leads me to...

2. What do my customers want? 'I wish I got more emails from that company' - said no-one ever.

Don't do marketing activity because you think you 'should.' Find out what your customers would find useful. Helpful companies are memorable for the best possible reasons. And when you're memorable, more customers will hear about you. It also means you're spending time on the most valuable things. Not sure what your customers would find helpful? Ask.

3. Is my product/service something people search for? If your customers tend to come from referral, you don't need to have Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) at the top of your list. To be clear, that doesn't mean you should write them off altogether, but if they're not actively typing your product into Google, don't invest a lot of money there. Instead, ask questions like - would rewarding referrals help drive further sales? Is there an add-on or ongoing service I could provide? You can find out more about to SEM or not in this podcast.

4. What kind of marketing is 'on-brand' and not?

Brand is not a fluffy thing. To be successful, your marketing should reflect what people value when deciding whether to work with you. For example, would you go to a heart surgeon who was offering half-price discounts? Or buy a block of butter that came with a free bicycle pump? See what I mean? Marketing and sales tactics matter. It's critical to work this through before getting started.

5. How much time do I have to spend? Your time is valuable. Marketing takes time. A common mistake smaller businesses make is trying to do too many things - run social media channels, send emails, write blogs.... You actually don't need to do everything or target everyone. Think through how much time you have to put toward marketing activity before get start spending money. Then do the most impactful things, and do them well. There's a great time profiling exercise we run in workshops which works through what you do that will have the most impact to the business, and how much time you have. It helps get you clear on what you should do and what to outsource or stop altogether. I highly recommend it.

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